Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dorie's Cookies

One of my contractors is really into cookies.  So hoping that they would have an incentive to do even better work, I thought I bake a few.  I have a really hard time following written recipes mostly because I think I can eyeball things and not have to measure accurately or substitute.

For Dorie's Peace Cookies (I've been intrigued by these cookies since seeing them on Tastespotting last year), I was meticulous about following the recipe to a T.  The results were surprising in that the cookies had more of a European feel in size and texture.  This was a grown-up chocolate cookie.  I used a Scharffenberger chocolate bar and the cookie was outrageous.

The next cookie was the granola cookie.  More my style:  I didn't have real granola so I threw in the Post Grape Nuts Granola cereal, sunflower seeds i/o almonds, raisins (drenched in rum) yum!

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